Three white bar chairs sit at a counter with two people blurred in the background walking in opposite directions in front of a whiteboard.

Meet The Team

Our team has diverse expertise in building, communication, and inclusive design. We work together every day to solve complex challenges for our clients and communities. We are all committed to making a positive impact that extends beyond our immediate surroundings.

“The role we get to play in shaping the built environment gives us an almost unparalleled opportunity, but more importantly a great responsibility, to shape the world into a better place than we found it.”

Close up of Amanda sitting on a couch, holding an open book while taking notes at a table, and smiles at the camera.

Amanda Motyer
Director of Inclusivity & Specifications

“Experiential graphic design is a dialogue held between people, and the places in our everyday life.”

Logan Brazeau
Director of Communication Strategies

“I strive for architecture that is comfortable, unique, and beneficial for individuals and the community.”

Ailan McKenzie
Director of Project Advancement

“Our best work comes from that balance between good design and technical proficiency.”

Scott Donovan
Director of Technical Standards & Quality

“The Truth is in the Model.”

Scott Patterson
Director of Design Technologies